The Sun is the Heart
Tim Rubald
Here is a light look at how
the Sun expresses vitality, warmth, and energy through each of the twelve Signs
in terms of romance, love and desire.
The Sun is only one of several horoscope factors that contribute to how
an individual will express these things.
The idea that Sun Signs
(there are twelve, each approximately thirty days long in a year) may be useful
for analysis and prediction comes out of an astrological understanding of the
Sun. In astrology and astronomy (the
straight laced child of astrology) the Sun is the center of our solar
system. By means of a system of
correspondences, astrology recognizes the Sun in the horoscope as representing
a person’s center (in several senses of the word). In terms of the body the Sun is
representative of the heart, the life sustaining core of a person.
The division of the ecliptic
into twelve Signs has the Sun expressing through each Sign as through a lens or
filter. The lens qualifies how the
“heart energy” of the Sun expresses.
Other factors further color the expression of passion and romance. The Sign’s influence on the Sun is only one
of several important factors.
The Aries heart is like the
old Adidas “Just Do It” advertisement.
There is action and impatience.
Don’t make the Aries heart wait and don’t slow it down in order to
fulfill some notion of what love is about.
Appreciate Aries for its fearless and courageous march. Give it reason to march your way and it may
just do it.
The Taurus heart is like the
steady, heady pulse of springtime. It is
bursting with beauty, sensuality, and a lust for touch, taste and luxury. Don’t rush the Taurus heart. Its love of life epitomizes the word
savor. Sample with it what the Taurus
heart relishes and you become part of what that heart desires. Appreciate its appreciation of the sense
world and become a part of its world.
The Gemini heart is
curious. It wants to explore, not so
much with some specific goal in mind but just to find out. It's a mental kind of heart that fancies
variety and experiment. It is sensitive
to nuance and subtlety. Appeal to its
love of variety with unpredictable gestures:
cards, letters, clippings, magazines, books, e-mail, aps, and URLs for
the Gemini heart to explore.
The Cancer heart is a blend
of sensitivity and power. It has the
nurturing and protective force of a mother bear. Romance, sentimentality, and emotion touch
this heart. Mementos, things from the
past to cherish and protect, invite the Cancer heart’s participation. Praise (even flattery) feeds this heart. Criticism damages it. While the Gemini heart offers mental variety
there’s never a dull emotional moment with the heart of Cancer.
The heart of the lion is
loyal, generous, and idealistic. It
loves to offer its protection and loyalty in exchange for admiration. It is the true peacock heart, extravagant,
ostentatious, and lordly. It is
inspiring and lively essentially within its own world. Make the Leo heart your world and it returns
great faith in you.
The shy, Virgo heart is
dutiful, affectionate and faithful. It
appreciates (loves?) order and method.
The Virgo heart likes “the real thing,” what is practical, what is felt
and touched, held and compared. It is
discriminating to the degree that its appreciation is honor in itself. Rather than compromise the Virgo heart may
become self-sufficient. If you are in
doubt as to what it requires, this passionate treasure of a heart gives
The Libra heart is a companion. It lives for sympathy and understanding. It is so idealistic that it is hard to
satisfy this heart in love. It is not a
hard heart though; it is surprisingly mental, ever imagining the pleasantest of
worlds. Win this heart with beauty and
avoid “reality therapy.” Flattery is not
wasted on the Libra heart. It craves
appreciation. Avoid what are ugly and
unpleasant and nurture this heart with any kind of beauty.
Thanks to stereotyping
clichés, the Scorpio heart supposedly responds only to sex. Sex isn’t the whole picture though. The Scorpio heart is a proud heart. It can be as comfortable with what to many
might be excess in physical love as it is with continence and self
control. The love of this heart can be
deep and lasting. It lives in a world of
emotion, the depth of emotion from which all “active” emotions arise. The Scorpio heart lives in extremes of
emotion, not in any middle ground. It is
the real thing. Don’t play here unless you understand.
Ummm, New Mexico chile |
The Sagittarius heart
blossoms in nature, in the out of doors, in freedom. Put it behind walls or in a cage and it will
wither. It is so friendly, and its
actions are so human and attractive, that its flirtations might appear to be
more than they are. For this heart, flirtation
is just an exercise of friendliness, of play.
This is the heart that aphorism seems written for, "If you love
something, set it free. If it comes back
to you, it is yours." The Sag heart
feeds on the broadest possible range of experience, beyond any limits of
thought or imagination. Win this heart
with playful kindness.
The Capricorn heart is
ambitious, has goals, and appreciates material advantage. There is a sense of calculation with the
Capricorn heart. Once the “externals”
are understood, the heart of the Sea Goat is as passionate and sexual as
Scorpio; as sensual and physical as any Bull (Taurus) in a meadow at the
bursting climax of Spring. Care for this
heart and it will take care of business, be dutiful, and take care of everything
that needs managing.
The Aquarius heart is mental
and humanitarian. It is nothing if not
fair. It is not that it is uncomfortable
with emotion; it is just that for Aquarius, emotion seems to happen in the mind
where it becomes rational. The Aquarius
heart can seem scientific that way. Its
greatest gift is one of friendship. Even
though it can be oriented in a democratic way and have an intimate sense of the
future, don’t expect wildness (craziness and unpredictability yes) as the Water
Bearer’s heart may hold and apply rigid moral convictions. It is the water of Spirit and focused ideal
that is carried, not that of syrupy emotion.
Allow the Aquarius heart in by allowing it to be helpful; praise and
compliment and it’s yours.
For the sweetest of sloppy
emotion take the Pisces heart. It is
more than simple charity, more than plain sympathy, more than hospitality,
kindness and generosity. Take this heart
as far as you can imagine and it goes farther.
The Pisces heart is so intuitive, receptive, and mediumistic that you
can break it before you do. Walk gently
with this heart please, however impractical, inefficient, swayed, and tempted
by emotion it may be. This heart swims
in a sea of emotional excitement; dive in, only if you are a strong swimmer.
2000-2014 Tim Rubald
Helping conscious people to understand
their life cycles and to optimize their timing for success.