What about Mercury retrograde in a birth chart?
Also as an abbreviated post
in Facebook Soul Centered Psychological Astrology
25, 2014
My friend, it may be that Mercury on the near Earth side of its orbit is good for
inner work; case in point, my article, written a few days ago. One of the reasons
I thought there is rich value for counselors is my suggestions as to how to
make positive use of the times Mercury is retrograde. Like you, experience has
been my teacher and has disabused me of the doom and gloom of the things that
are supposed to go wrong while Mercury slides between the Earth and Sun.
“Retrograde planets in a birth map were anciently said to be weak or
debilitated. . . That it continues to retrograde for a period after birth might
detract from its capacity to incite progress . . . “, writes Nicholas Devore.
With attention, we see that the business that causes chaos is often in our
While it looks as though the tree falling on the car was just an unfortunate accident, we really don't know. Maybe the driver was in a rush and parked in an unfamiliar place. Maybe it was just coincidence. Maybe Mercury was direct in motion when it happened. If such Cosmic Authorities as Astrologers go off on the problems of Mercury Rx, aren't those who pay attention to such authorities on the lookout for "Mercury Rx distress"? I have a friend who regularly writes about news items during those Rx periods, but I find an equal amount of similar stories when Mercury is swinging around the far side of the Sun, in the same direction as the Sun. People aren't blaming the hard drive crash on little Mercury when Mercury is direct.

In your case, "in the old
days" (hopefully), Mercury Rx in a nativity had the astrologer looking for
mental challenges like deafness, or what used to be called retardation, or at
least a speech impediment, or being held back in school. While any of those
things might occur for a Mercury Rx native, wider examination will often show
brilliance. The actress Hedy Lamarr, while she's fading in the dust of time
now, was once viewed as one of the most beautiful women in the world. Her Sun
in smoldering Scorpio, had been crossed by Rx Mercury (5°
11’ past the Sun, about to go direct a week later, to chase after the Sun once
again). To enhance her mystery and beauty, she had the Moon just over Neptune
in Leo, but that's off-topic. She had plenty in her life that fit with the
depths of Mercury Rx, but to point out that that factor has little effect on
mental brilliance, her career might have taken a different direction.

Mercury is retrograde as I write this, so any errors are his fault. There are several articles here on Mercury's retrogrades. Under
the title of the blog, Astrology STARTALK from Tim Rubald, is a search box.
Just type in Mercury to pull them up.
Copyright © Tim Rubald 2014
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