Full Moon Lunar Eclipse April 2013
April 25, 2013
In an effort to ease the reading for those not interested in background details, you will find a few "endnotes," a number in parentheses. If you want the details right off, scroll down to the same number near the end of the blog post.Let's look at current eclipses (well one anyway). Moon opposite the Sun means you'd view a lunar eclipse at night, or possibly at moon-rise-sunset. In north and Central America, the April eclipse happens in the day time! You can't see the eclipse because it's on the other side of the globe. In Madagascar you'd see as much eclipse as anywhere but it still would look not so different from an ordinary Full Moon because the Moon only gets the teeniest bit of Earth's penumbral (secondary, not the dark part) shadow; not so special or spectacular.
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See the shaded area, NO ECLIPSE VISIBLE. So why share "so people can enjoy"? People believe stuff they find on the Internet. Watch out for silliness. |
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Misleading. |
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Quite misleading |
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Incredibly misleading |
Astronomically the Full Moon/Eclipse is a very close alignment and the geophysical effects will be in evidence; very high tides, more severe quakes and volcanism, and probably some extreme weather events. Eclipse effects are not only at a particular moment but affect a window of time (say a week before to a couple of weeks after). It is already clear that geophysical effects have occurred and will likely be with us for a few more days.
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How maximum eclipse really looked.. |
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Compare the reality with the silly pictures. |
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This is what an Annular Eclipse looks like, IF you are on it's path under it near the time of totality. In Hawai'i (only US location that will see it) we'll get about 40% at maximum eclipse. |
Three eclipses followed by SuperMoons in June and July keep the Sun/Moon part of the astrological and geophysical picture hopping! That's of course in addition to the once in a lifetime wildness we have in the sky these days. (2)
Same eclipse. Different locations. |
There's been a lot of hot Aries and Mars at play (Boston bombing, West, TX explosion, much more), that's tweaked the Uranus/Pluto square which characterizes this Age (transformation of the structure). The planet hasn't seen this stage of that cycle since 1876-1877. (3) This time, the same stage of the cycle occurs in 2012-2015 with even more focus on the cosmic renovation that's happening with an exuberant emancipation versus the conventional order which just happens to be in the process of restructuring; that sees both endings and beginnings ala the phoenix arising from it's own ashes.
Even a relatively calm lunation would be a waft of ease in stormy seas, but this isn't one of those. The Sun had just passed Mars in Aries on the 17th of April, and at this Full Moon both the Sun and Mars are with the star, Sheratan (star not hotel chain) that has a Mars/Saturn nature associated with danger, violence, and recklessness. Mars is even closer to another Mars/Saturn nature star, Mesartha. The point is, even with the Buddha and "mellower" Taurus, the heat is on for this lunation period; at least a week in advance and until the next New Moon which is the Annular Solar Eclipse May 10. Appropriate clichés that I love; "No rest for the wicked," and, "It's not over 'til it's over." [Bad, bad, bad. Good writers don't use clichés. So spank me.]
One of the highlights of this Full Moon is the Sun in a productive relationship of sympathy with Pluto. This suggests a period for working with the inevitable makeover that's active in the social, political, and business order; the order that is in flux. It's an opportunity to help shape that order to a more humanitarian end, or at least to resolve not to be caught and carried along with currents that are unsupportive of what you know and feel is right. Speaking of feeling this is also a time we see Saturn (the structure) and Neptune (the dream) in harmony; another marker for participating in a beautiful change, in the creation of a more ideal social, business, and political order.
Let's look at the chart set for D.C. That gives some hints about how things are going in the seat of government that affects the world, as did Rome in the days of Rome's Empire. There is the mix again of the huge challenges and heavy lifting that needs to happen but is being avoided in Washington. The clowns there just hope "it" (insert whatever) goes away. The ha-ha "Sequester" is an example. By not doing, however, they are doing. There really is no stopping Uranus/Pluto sorts of makeover (2012-2015 at least). The emphasis is as one would expect with two money Signs, Taurus and Scorpio, emphasized and reemphasized by House{*} (astrobabble, not Congress) position.
The economic picture continues to dominate, no matter the tragedy and circuses hyped by the dull and stupid mass media. There's hope, at the top of the chart set for the White House is the star, Rigel, and one of my notes for that says, "gentle peace." This is the part of the chart concerned with the leader, the President, the chief executive. So, it looks good for the White House and Obama. The astrologer Mollie Summer once offered that Rigel, with the nature of Jupiter/Mars, was conjunct Jack Kennedy's Sun. It's a 1st magnitude (bright) star too, and seems to have a positive influence. Mollie said of JFK that it made his Sun stronger. In terms of our system of government this may point to a time when the President's status exceeds that of the Congress and Judiciary.
* Houses are the way the "pie" of the round horoscope wheel is sliced. The different systems reflect ideas about how to slice it. Aside from "No Houses" there are two main systems: Equal and Quadrant. In the Equal systems the slices are all the same size. In the Quadrant systems the chart is (usually) quartered by the Ascendant/Descendant and MC/IC axes. Different quadrant systems have different ways of dividing the quarters.
There's a star associated with the Eclipse chart set in Hawai'i but not the same one or placement as that in D.C. In Hawai'i we have the star Dirah on the Ascendant. That placement has to do with the People, their attitudes and outlook on the world. Dirah is said to have an intrinsic theme like a combination of Mercury (mind, communication) and Venus (beauty, harmony). A translation out of astrobabble for that might be an active focus for the people of Hawai'i. Some possibilities include emphasis on agriculture and family. There may be creative optimism and energy directed toward solidifying cooperative efforts, like those from teams and legislative bodies. The chief executive (Governor) may seem a bit wishy-washy, idealistic, confused, or overly concerned with foreign nations and tourism. These are challenge areas anyway, powerful entities (corporate, military) have to be dealt with (or bowed to) for progress to happen. No surprise that finance is a concern in Hawai'i as it seems to be most everywhere. Things happen behind the scenes, creepy things get some sunlight (gambling), and legislative spending may be an issue. How much goes to "stimulating the economy" and how much to benefit youth, the poor, the homeless and the aging population?
There's much detail to get lost in and nits to pick but the key is to maintain your cool when in a tough situation. Practice, practice, practice, stepping back when you feel challenged; take three deep breaths when you're feeling impatient; look to the magic and beauty in life at any and every chance you get. There is always something for which you can be grateful.
The Stans continue to be in the event crosshairs in this period; Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and of course Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are in the spotlight as are Oman, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. The nuclear issue is a likely topic about Iran.

Another nuclear problem child is in the Koreas. That continues as a hot spot too. Not only does it retain a tinder box quality, but we also see that Japan will most assuredly be "working things out" along the lines of all the eclipse themes discussed. Tokyo will be part of the current picture now and in the two or three weeks to come. I think they use nuclear for power down in South Africa too. I wouldn't be surprised to hear from there.
Looking at hot spots in the good "old" (48 State) USA, the West Coast gets eclipse emphasis: Washington, the Oregon, California, Idaho, and Nevada, with the first three being a bit more active (seismic?). Along the Mississippi River, we may hear of flooding. Easier news should come from the East Coast, including from our nation's capital.
Keep your cool. Look within for dealing with problems. Even if "the other" is the problem, it's up to you as to how much you're going to let it bother you. Much love and aloha.
(2) On Pluto in Capricorn (via this blog http://astrology-startalk.blogspot.com/) - risking (loss) is what Pluto in Capricorn is about. Capricorn is the order, social, governmental, business, religious, and is fundamental to how the world works. The World needs structure. It's the difference between explosive chaos, and harmony. It's a good thing, but as it becomes crystallized it needs to be broken up and restructured in order to grow, and for progress to happen. There are forces that will challenge the structure to that end. The planet will offer weather events, earthquakes, and volcanism. The human population will offer Arab Springs, Occupies, democracy, and human rights movements. The structure, that tends to resist change, includes businesses, corporations, and governments. If one looks at human history there are massive changes and developments through the ages. Are we to imagine that somehow this period will be the exception? That if we just hold on, that things will stay the same and work out?
On Uranus square Pluto and the 1960s: "now" is resonating with the same essential nature that was operative then, only more so. [The larger scale cycle for the planets Uranus and Pluto is approximately 127 years.]
Uranus and Pluto; now we are in a developmental crisis in their cycle, the force of which was birthed in the Nineteen Sixties. See this post in Gather, then scroll down to the "Dear Claudia" commentary for a continuation of the article. http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474977413046 [link is currently down as Gather moves but if you're interested send me an email startalker@aol.com and I'll send an updated link when I have one].
(3) 1876-1877: a very significant world-wide drought and starvation; the Colombian Civil War; the Standard Oil Trust; the most contentious, bitter, and protracted presidential election in American history; the Compromise of 1877; the Sioux War/Little Big Horn/the Apache War; the telephone; the phonograph; the End of Reconstruction; Mexican-Texas border incursions; the Great Railroad Strike of 1877; The Crimean War - 15,000 Bulgarians massacred, with the destruction of more than fifty villages and five monasteries; Russia declares war on Turkey; the Serbian insurrection of 1875 in Bosnia and Herzegovina and a series of wars involving also, Thracia, Montenegro, Turkey, and Bulgaria; Bismarck's Germany; Empire; riots in numerous cities; anti-Chinese attacks in San Francisco; "Boss" Tweed; and much more.
All Rights Reserved © Copyright 2013 Tim Rubald
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