Lughnasadh/Lammas 2021
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7 August 2021
6:53:51 AM GMT/UT +00:00:00
7:53:51 AM GMD -01:00:00 London (called British Summer Time)
2:53:51 AM EDT +04:00:00 Washington DC
1:53:51 AM CDT +05:00:00 Chicago
12:53:51 AM MDT +06:00:00 Albuquerque
6 Aug 2021
11:53:51 PM PDT +07:00:00 San Francisco
8:53:51 PM AHST +10:00:00 Kahului, Hawaii
Gardens are reaching peaks of ecstasy and zucchini for the neighborhood. Nat King Cole is doing those lazy, crazy, hazy days, barbecues, picnics, and nasad. Lammas (Loaf Mass) or Lughnasadh (Loo-nas-ah) is the third of the four fire festivals held at solstice and equinox midpoints. This one is at the Leo midpoint (15° Leo), twixt Summer solstice, Litha (Cancer), and Autumn equinox, Mabon (Libra).
Lugh is the Celtic sun god. Lughnasadh celebrates the midsummer harvest in the Northern Hemisphere (midwinter in the Southern Hemisphere). Nasad suggests harvest festivals, fairs, and games.
Barley is among the grains harvested and celebrated at Lunasad (Scottish name). Robert Burns immortalized it in the ballad, John Barleycorn. Find abundant offerings about the song via a search and for musical variants with a YouTube search.