March 20, 2018 brings the Vernal Equinox, that might also be known as Ostara, or Eostre, or Eastre, named for the Germanic Goddess of spring and dawn. The equinox is a thing, and I will give precise timing of it for the ritually oriented and the curious.
All points in the eight-fold year (defined by the actual astronomical measure of solstices, equinoxes, and the midpoints between those) are marked by human celebrations, holidays, and holy days. It’s my contention that those coincidental celebrations are not accidental but knowingly or circumstantially correspond to the astronomical.
We find holy days with the Jewish and Christian calendars (and most likely also with Chinese, Hindu, and other) combine near lunations with solstices and equinoxes. For example, the Full Moon after the Spring (Vernal) Equinox is Passover. The Sunday following that Full Moon is Easter (the preceding Friday is Good).

Here are times for Ostara (the Spring Equinox) where you live. [Daylight Saving Time starts in Great Britain and most of Europe on March 25.]
Mar 20 2018
4:15:25 PM GMT -00
12:15:25 PM EDT -4
11:15:25 AM CDT -5
10:15:25 AM MDT -6
9:15:25 AM PDT -7
6:15:25 AM AHST -10